Residential and administrativ buliding, Liederbach At times even the Zeitgeist seems to have taken leave of its senses.(unknown)
Residential building Ahlumer Siedlung, Wolfenbüttel You should only replace something old by something new if the new is better than the old.(Adolf Loos)
Residential and commercial building at Kleiner Zimmerhof, Wolfenbuettel "What scoundrels are the honest people!"(Emile Zola)
Residential and commercial property, 117 Eschersheimer Landstrasse, Frankfurt/Main In cunctis domina pecunia est (Money makes the world go round)(Publilius Syrus)
Residential area Magnitorwall, Braunschweig You cannot yield profit without harming anyone.(Publilius Syrus)
Housing estate Gartenstraße, Braunschweig When you stand in front of me and look at me, what do you know about the pain within me,and what do I know about the pain within you.(Franz Kafka)
Residential building Lumumbastrasse, Leipzig Experience means nothing. One can repeat the same mistakes for 35 years.(Kurt Tucholsky)
Hotel, Königs Wusterhausen Es gibt keinen strengeren Moralisten als den Betrüger,wenn er betrogen wird.(Emanuel Wertheimer)
Nursing home, Erding The worst evil of all is to leave the ranks of the living before one dies.(Seneca)