Telecommunications services building Raimundstrasse (1st Prize)

There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.
(Albert Camus)


Invitation to tender in
K. Werner, S.Hoffmeister, H. Wilft
p 11 verw k1 p 11 verw k2  01 p 11 verw k3     02 p 11 verw k4
03 p 11 verw k5  

The Real Estate Services division of Deutsche Telekom awarded an assignment for the renovation of the existing building on the basis of an invitation to tender judged by a panel of experts.

The entire building was to be renovated whilst maintaining all day-to-day operations, in particular in the technical areas (ca. 20,000 m²).

This involved also the demolishing of the exposed aggregate concrete façade, optimising the more than 70 different ventilation systems and integrating the new systems, compliance with existing fire safety regulations and respective adaptations, asbestos abatement, moving logistics, etc. etc. as well as the redesigning of all office areas.

During the execution of the project, the agency also took charge of project management, because by concentrating responsibility to one party interfaces and demarcation issues were minimised, and the execution of the construction work could be performed more effectively.

The planning process evolved as the project proceeded (utilisation concept, power supply) to accommodate the constantly changing demand structures, which had resulted from the restructuring of the company.

In order to ensure that performance could be maintained in what was, in technical terms, a high-risk building, individual schedules were prepared for discreet areas during renovation (dust protection, temporary ventilation, etc.), which were in turn subdivided into smaller units.

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